Our Products


We believe in growth, but not at the expense of our future.

We believe that agriculture and nature are meant to cooperate and not compete.

That is why we are at the forefront of an ongoing search to find the most sustainable solutions that benefit and positively impact all stakeholders in the supply-chain, our partners, our farmers, communities and our customers.

Our Spices

Cinnamon Verum

Madagascar Cinnamon is dried inner bark of a small evergreen tree that is...


There are 2 clove production areas from Madagascar, in the North East, north of Tamatave...

Black Pepper

Madagascar Black pepper are internationally recognized by its taste more pronounced...

Wild Pepper

The Madagascar Voatsiperifery pepper is a namely “wild” pepper, endemic to the island...

Pink Pepper

There are 2 production areas for Pink Pepper, in the South East and further inside the island...

Madagascar Turmeric

We engage in cultivating turmeric in partnership with local growers...

Madagascar Ginger

Madagascar Ginger belongs to the same family as Turmeric and the mode of exploitation...


Dubbed the queen of spices, renown for it's "plain" flavour, this spice is nothing short of plain...


The combawa (or kaffir lime) is native to South East Asia. This ancient citrus fruit...

Bird Eye Chili

The bird eye chilli is one of the most powerful chillies in the world. Also called Pili-pili...

Vanilla Powder

Vanilla Powder - Bourbon from Madagascar is an all-natural, sugar-free, and alcohol-free powder ...

Cacao Beans

Whole from Soconusco, Mexico are a true aromatic wonder. The light fermentation

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla Extract / Paste from Madagascar is most probably the most aromatic intensifiers you can...

Ginger Powder

Ginger Powder - from Madagascar is an essential condiment for recipes with Asian or African flavour...


Moringa Oleifera is a sub-tropical tree with unique properties that has been prized for centuries...

Vanilla Pods Madagascar

It's time for you to try real, all-natural vanilla for the first time. The opposite of "plain vanilla," premium...